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Pediatric Treatment Case Studies

“As a dental assistant and mother I can see that my son has lots of problems that need to be corrected.”

—Parent’s Concerns

Orthodontic Problem List

  • Narrow upper jaw and retruded lower jaw,
  • Spacing and rotation of upper center incisor teeth with side incisors displaced into a‘second row’ due to crowding,
  • Traumatic non-functional bite of side teeth due to his jaw discrepancy, and
  • Crowding of lower front teeth with side incisors in a ‘second row’.

Treatment Accomplishments

  • Expansion of upper jaw,
  • Closure of space between upper center incisors to allow for forward positioning of the side incisor teeth,
  • Improvement in relationships of upper and lower jaws while establishing a functional bite of side teeth, and
  • Improved alignment of lower front teeth.

“Thumb sucking has ‘caused’ a crossbite and open
bite and his upper front teeth are twisted.”

—Mother’s Conerns

Orthodontic Problem List

  • Narrow upper jaw with crossbite (upper teeth ‘biting’ inside lower) on right side following lower jaw shift due to traumatic bite of side teeth,
  • Severe open bite with a thumb-sucking habit, and
  • Moderate upper tooth crowding with rotated center incisor teeth and upper side incisors blocked from eruption.

Treatment Accomplishments

  • Widening of upper jaw and removal of lower jaw shift that could lead to uneven growth,
  • Closure of open bite and correction of crossbite,
  • Elimination of thumb-sucking habit in a ‘childfriendly’ manner, and
  • Increased space to allow for eruption and alignment of crowded upper front teeth.

“As a dental assistant and mother I can see that my son has lots of problems that need to be corrected.”

—Parent’s Concerns

Orthodontic Problem List

  • Narrow upper jaw resulting in a crossbite of the side teeth,
  • Protruded (“sticking out”) and spaced upper front teeth,
  • Upper crowding with insufficient space for adult tooth eruption, and
  • Excessive gum display at full smile.

Treatment Accomplishments

  • Widening of upper jaw and correction of crossbite,
  • Closure of space between upper front teeth with retraction,
  • Reduction in crowding while aiding in eruption of adult teeth, and
  • Significant improvement of smile with removal of gum display.