Bronsky Orthodontics Esthetic Adult Treatment System
The next generation of invisible orthodontics
The Bronsky Orthodontic Esthetic Adult Treatment System uses custom designed and fabricated clear aligners that may be combined with miniature clear brackets as needed to achieve individual treatment objectives.
This special system conceived by Dr. Peter T. Bronsky successfully:
- creates beautiful smiles
- straightens crowded teeth
- overcomes the limitations of other clear aligner systems
- closes ‘gaps’ between teeth
- develops a functional ‘bite’
- improves dental health
Can you see her Brackets and Aligner?
“As a registered dental hygienist I can’t believe how invisible my brackets and aligners are. They are so easy to keep clean and even my patients don’t know that I am having orthodontic treatment.”
BEATS Braces may utilize clear customized aligners only. Other times the addition of miniature clear brackets enables a solution for more complex problems.
Her crowding and ‘twisted’ front teeth, combined with a traumatic bite of her upper side and front teeth, required clear brackets and aligners to create an ideal smile and excellent bite.
Why choose BEATS Braces over other clear aligner systems?
The range of adult orthodontic problems that can be treated in our office is greatly expanded by combining multiple technologies with our expertise in the BEATS Braces System. Speed, Accuracy, Comfort and Efficiency of tooth movement are hallmarks of our system.
Customized Clear Aligners
Each aligner is fabricated individually in our orthodontic laboratory to provide for the patient’s unique tooth movement progression based on Dr. Bronsky’s ongoing evaluation.
How does BEATS Braces actually work?
Dr. Bronsky evaluates each patient’s orthodontic problems and individual treatment objectives. He then formulates a customized plan that utilizes clear aligners. When needed for a patient’s smile and bite enhancement, Dr. Bronsky combines miniature clear brackets and tooth-colored, low force/high comfort advanced technology orthodontic wires with aligners.
BEATS Braces Patient Results